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Our "Each Child a World" project, which we carry out in partnership with İkizce District Governorship and Durak Fındık, was introduced to local administrators and headmen in İkizce District.

The second day of our workshop we held within the scope of the “Each Child a World Project” that we have implemented in order to prevent child labor in hazelnut agriculture was very enjoyable.

Our social responsibility project, which we initiated in order to prevent child labor in Hazelnut Farming and which Durak Hazelnut and İkizce District Governorship are partners with, will be beneficial to our city and country.

Within the scope of Each Child a World Project, our workshop for our teachers, assistants and other personnel who will take part in the project has started.

As Durak Hazelnut family, we aim to ensure the sustainability of our projects as well as being beneficial to the society, our producers and our region with a different social responsibility project every year.

One of the pillars of our project, we continue to meet with seasonal agricultural worker families and our tent visits..

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This site was established to provide information about Durak Hazelnut Sustainability Applications.


Atatürk Neighboorhood, Devlet Sahil Yolu Street, No:743,


(0452) 323 92 82 (Pbx)




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