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On 21.08.2023, our students enrolled in our summer school were given a free health screening under the leadership of Mehmet Ali DURAK, Chairman of the Board of Private Ünye Çakırtepe Hospital.
On 21.08.2023, our students enrolled in our summer school were given a free health screening under the leadership of Mehmet Ali DURAK, Chairman of the Board of Private Ünye Çakırtepe Hospital.
Within the scope of the Sustainable Hazelnut Villages (RVO) project of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Within the scope of Each Child a World and Sustainable Hazelnut Villages projects, 17 workers were trained as agricultural intermediaries on 18.08.20223 in cooperation with Ünye İŞKUR Directorate.
Our summer school, which we opened within the scope of the project, met with the children of families coming to our region as mobile seasonal agricultural workers this year.
Within the scope of Each Child a World and Sustainable Hazelnut Villages Projects, we have identified the deficiencies of the accommodation areas and we continue our efforts to eliminate these deficiencies.
For the 2023 harvest year, we made welcome visits to mobile seasonal families and their children who came to work in our district.
We completed the second day of training with our staff working in the project by having fun and learning. On the second day of the training;
Within the scope of Each Child a World and Sustainable Hazelnut Villages project, the training of our teachers, assistants and other personnel who will work in the field has been completed. First day of the training;
Within the scope of the long-standing Durak Hazelnut Sustainability Practices Program, we continue our efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and social issues.
In our sample agricultural gardens, which we continue to operate as Durak Hazelnut, the 2nd Scythe application of 2023 and the application of raffia purchase were realized.
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