As Durak Hazelnut, within the framework of our sustainability program, we continue to work on many of the Sustainable Development Goals related to this, especially the target of 8.7, which is the global target of preventing child labor. We collaborate with our stakeholders in our supply chain, public institutions and organizations and non-governmental organizations in many areas not only related to agriculture but also to social issues in order to ensure sustainable development in the world, especially in Turkey. Below are the Sustainable Development Goals that intersect with the work we carry out.
Goal 1. End Poverty: Today, there are more than 800 million people living in extreme poverty. There is a cyclical relationship between children working as workers and poverty. Most of the time, the children of the poorest families are forced to work as workers, and since working children cannot continue their education, poverty is inherited from the child's family to the next generation. Ending child labor through various methods and tools will both end poverty and contribute to human capital.
Durak Hazelnut supports the breaking of the poverty cycle by supporting the access of children within the absolute poverty line to education; primarily with the works it conducts to prevent child labor in supply chains. In addition, it offers its own employees the opportunity to work in decent conditions and wages. In addition, as the largest domestic hazelnut export company in the country, it contributes to the development of the country's economy, agriculture and regional development.
Goal 2. Zero Hunger: It is estimated that around 795 million children around the world are malnourished. Many studies show that there is a significant relationship between child labor and malnutrition. It is known that many working children are dangerously below the required body weight.
Durak Hazelnut runs a summer school program for children aged 5-15, who are at risk of child labor, of mobile seasonal agricultural workers in the supply chain. Field studies show that the height and weight percentile values of children participating in seasonal agricultural migration are below the age and development levels of children. One of the main reasons for this is the living conditions and uniform diets of children during the seasonal agricultural migration. For this reason, Durak Hazelnut applies a nutrition program for children participating in seasonal agricultural migration in the summer school program of “Every Child is a World”. The results of the program show that even a short 30-day nutrition program leads to significant improvements in children's height and weight percentile values.
According to the 2018 data of the World Health Organization, 1 child or adolescent dies every 5 seconds worldwide. 85% of deaths occur under the age of 5. Child labor can cause death, fatal accidents, injuries, occupational diseases, chronic diseases, mental and behavioral problems. Working in agriculture, which is one of the worst and dangerous forms of child labor, can cause children to face many health problems such as pesticide poisoning, machine-related injuries, bites and stings.
Durak Hazelnut, in its efforts to prevent child labor, provides a protective and preventive health service for families and children participating in seasonal agricultural migration, including treatment if needed. Children who participate in the seasonal agricultural migration and hazelnut harvest and are included in the summer school program receive health screenings every year.
In addition, Durak Hazelnut, which manufactures in the food sector, supports the healthy and quality life of both the people involved in its own production processes and the products it produces.
After the Covid-19 pandemic that emerged in the last months of 2019, Durak Hazelnut, in order to ensure both workers and food safety in production facilities; during the harvest, it took a series of measures to raise awareness and protect the producers and workers. These include training on Covid-19 and distributing hygiene packages.
Goal 4. Quality Education: 263 million children around the world cannot access education. Education plays a key role in solving the child labor problem. Children who cannot access education face the risk of child labor and are more likely to work in unqualified and insecure jobs in their future lives. Quality education is one of the most fundamental ways to break the poverty cycle of child workers.
Durak Hazelnut conducts activities to support quality education in order to prevent child labor and to compensate for the education deficit that occurs during the period of children who are participating in seasonal agricultural migration. During the hazelnut harvest, Durak Hazelnut offers children qualified education support with a game-based program prepared by a team of experts in the summer school for children who come to production areas in its supply chain with seasonal agricultural migration.
Goal 5. Gender Equality: The elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and girls is both a fundamental human right and critical importance for sustainable development. Supporting women and girls, who are exposed to the most gender inequalities and discrimination in the world, affects economic development as well as in every field? It is observed that gender inequalities and discrimination are increasing day by day in Turkey and this situation also affects the poorest women and girls, who are in the most disadvantaged situation.
Durak Hazelnut strives to empower women and eliminate the problems posed by gender inequalities both in production and in all stages of supply chains. The hazelnut product is a product with intensive female labor at every stage from the field to the industry. Durak Hazelnut was awarded the “Anatolian Woman Friendly Company” with its employees, mostly women. The company not only carries out important work with women working within its own organization, but also with producers and agricultural workers. Even if the company does not own land, it organizes recurring trainings on child labor, forced labor, wages and contracts, sustainable agriculture, health, gender equality and family education to support women in producer families and seasonal agricultural workers. Researches and field observations have revealed that the education of mothers is an important variable in preventing child labor. Durak Hazelnut places great importance on girls' access to education and their work in the field of women's empowerment.
Goal 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: While global crises around the world trigger unemployment and recession of economic growth, they also prevent working in decent conditions and wages.
Durak Hazelnut, Turkey's largest domestic hazelnut export company, makes a great effort to ensure that all other stakeholders in the supply chain, especially the workers working within its own structure, work under decent conditions and wages. In addition, it makes an important contribution to economic development in regional and national terms with its export capacity. Durak Hazelnut provides training to hazelnut producers, agricultural intermediaries, village managers and seasonal agricultural workers in order to achieve the goal of living and working in decent conditions during product harvest, which is in the first link of the supply chain. Trainings cover working and living conditions, contracts, worker rights, and child labor. In the producer group in the supply chain, Durak Hazelnut inspects the working records, child labor, living conditions and working conditions of the workers. It supports producers with educational or the same contributions to improve conditions.
Goal 8.7. Forced Labor and the Prevention of Child Labor: The goal of 8.7 is to take urgent and effective measures to eliminate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and ensure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers aims to end child labor of all types by 2025.
Durak Hazelnut puts its goal of preventing child labor at the center of all its sustainability efforts. In order to prevent forced labor and child labor, it improves the record keeping practices of the producer group that it supplies with hazelnuts and conducts field visits and inspections during the harvest period. In addition, with the Every Child Is a World program, which has been running since 2018 to prevent child labor, children aged 5-15 have access to education, health and care services in safe and healthy conditions away from agricultural fields during harvest. In addition, Durak Hazelnut tells the parties about the legal basis of child labor and the responsibilities of producers / families in this regard, through trainings for local producers and village managers, as well as trainings for migratory agricultural worker parents and agricultural intermediaries.
The changing dynamics and educational needs of child labor are revealed through frequent interviews, surveys and field visits with both producers and agricultural workers.
Goal 10. Reducing Inequalities: There is a serious inequality in income distributions in the world where resources are decreasing and where the population is increasing rapidly. People in the poorest 10% of the world can only get a share between 2% and 7% of the global income. Reducing income inequality, which is a global problem, is very important for sustainable development. Child labor is an important problem that takes away the chances of the poorest children to work in a future high-income job. As children of poor families have to work, they cannot access education and have to work in low-income jobs in the future.
Durak Hazelnut conducts studies to reduce inequalities, especially to prevent child labor, to ensure that children have access to qualified education during the harvest period. Durak Hazelnut strives to contribute to the elimination of inequalities by investing in seasonal agricultural workers, especially their children, one of the poorest and most disadvantaged groups in Turkey.
Goal 13. Climate Action: Almost every country in the world is affected by climate changes. Global warming, floods and drought deeply affect human health and all ecological life. It is thought that climate changes will cause a water and food crisis and the poorest will be affected the most from this situation. Struggling with climate change requires a global effort. Hazelnut product and the Black Sea region have also been highly affected by climate changes. This situation threatens both the safety and future of food and the health and future of people. Flood and frost disasters in recent years cause product loss. Flood disasters also negatively affect the poorest migrant agricultural workers who are accommodated in tents.
Goal 15. Terrestrial Life: Terrestrial areas host most of our basic life resources. However, due to man-made interventions and climate changes, arable land, plant and animal diversity is decreasing day by day.
Durak Hazelnut provides training and consultancy services to hazelnut producers in the supply chain on the protection of arable land, protection of forest land, protection of biological diversity and organic agriculture.
Sustainable agriculture activities carried out by Durak Hazelnut producers are monitored and certified by international certification bodies. In addition, Durak Hazelnut, which has an internal monitoring and control mechanism in its supply chain, is making efforts to spread sustainable agricultural practices.