
Last year, we continued our project named "Each Child A World", which we initiated in order to prevent child labor in hazelnut agriculture, this year, and turned it into a program implemented by our company in the field of sustainability.                

As soon as we saw how effective, efficient and successful the activities we conducted in the first year of the program on children, we decided to continue raising awareness by improving the activities we do in this direction.

We objectively prepared the report we prepared in the second year of our Each Child a World program to shed light on the public and other sector representatives as a result of our work in the field.

As Durak Fındık family, we want to develop our responsibility for our children, who will be the minors of today and the adults of tomorrow, with our sustainable social practices program in order to look at the future with confidence.

Finally, I would like to thank our partner in the field, İkizce District Governorship, and our project team, who spend the night and run the program.